function fCheckForm() { var sErr = ""; if ($("#sCourse").val() === "") { sErr += "\n - Which course would you like to attend?"; } if (document.fBook.sName.value=="") { sErr += "\n - Name"; } if (document.fBook.sMobile.value=="") { sErr += "\n - Mobile"; } if (document.fBook.sEmail.value=="") { sErr += "\n - Email"; } if (!document.fBook.bLocal.checked) { sErr += "\n - Tick the checkbox to say you live or work in the Long Eaton area"; } if (!document.fBook.b18Female.checked) { sErr += "\n - Tick the checkbox to say you are female and aged 18 or over"; } if (!document.fBook.bPrivacy.checked) { sErr += "\n - Tick the checkbox to agree to the privacy policy"; } if ($("#sHowDidYouHear").val() === "") { sErr += "\n - How did you hear about us?"; } if (sErr!="") { alert("Please check the following:-\n" + sErr); } else { grecaptcha.execute('6LeL4cEUAAAAAEucJH8nzOuVCnlE3724OzCEmePP', {action: 'homepage'}).then(function(token) { document.getElementById('gRecaptchaResponse').value = token; document.fBook.submit(); }); } }